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New Jersey Census Records
As per the 2010 US Census, NJ is known to be the most densely populated and the 11th most populous of the 50 United States. The population enumerated in the Twenty-third census was 8,791,894 (approx), which was an increase of 4.5% from the Census 2000.
New Jersey Federal Census was first taken in 1790 and continued every ten years, thereafter. The 1890 National Census schedules were destroyed by the 1921 warehouse fire, but Veterans and Widows records survived and can be helpful for finding data. The NJ State Censuses were conducted in the following years: 1855, 1865, and 1875 (partial records exist for few of the counties) including1885, 1895, 1905 and 1915.
Genealogical significance of census records:
USA Census statistics have typically been an important source of learning social and economic facts about people at different times. These records act as an official document for proving ancestors' names and ages in the absence of birth certificates. Many researchers also hunts for several other census information like, relationship, residence, immigration details, citizenship, profession type and many more. Census data provides valuable clues to locate families in New Jersey.
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